Lost in the Woods


Lost in the Woods


With each step

I find that I am lost

Among the trees,

Lost in the wood.

It’s a purposefully done


I lose myself with reason

With purpose.

In the letting go

Of paths, of prescribed ways of walking

Through the woods,

In the losing of myself,

I find so much more.

I find the quiet words

Locked away within.

I find the deep desires and hopes.

While discovering these

Lovely, easy to be with things

I also find the fears

The sadness, anger and pains

Buried and infrequently looked at.

The further I walk

I move beyond the finding

I release all that I have found.

I place my hands

Fingers spread wide

Against the tree

Forehead bent ,touching the tree

And release


All thoughts, emotions

Everything to the earth.

All that is left is space

Me and the tree.

Pure, plain, simple.

Never Ending Pursuit


Never Ending Pursuit


The road winds ahead

Twisting and turning

Veering dangerously close

To the edge

Of the cliff.

It’s a high,

Speeding around the curves

Each turn brings

New vistas to be viewed.

The vastness of the land

Overwhelms and inspires me.

I’m off on another adventure

Exploring, seeing,

Bearing witness to the beauty of the land,

Re-connecting with the natural world

That so easily gets put second

To other responsibilities.

I am reinvigorated, I feel a new sense of connectedness

To the world, the universe, myself.

And yet

While I’m off flying,

Experiencing and enjoying natural wonders

I know

That there is more

Waiting on me at home,

People – connections to others that

Combined with a nature connection

Fills me in ways

I’ve always dreamt.

I need both,

Mountain silence and deep conversation

With people.

My job, my goal

Is to manage the balancing act it takes

To keep every part of me fulfilled,

A never ending pursuit,

A lifelong project.

The Train


The Train


The clickity clack

Of the train

Barreling down the track

Jars me from the stupor.

I’m whisked away

Caught in the speeding train.

The faces flashing

The pallid lights washing

Out all humanness.

A silver box shooting past

Catching what’s not rooted

In its whirling wind.

Pushing through to darkness

In the tunnels

Underneath and hidden from the world.

Life flashes and passes

As the train rolls on.

I’m trapped in the speed

Hopped up on the adrenaline

And the wind whipping me around.

Everything else becomes a blur

I’m only in this moment

Part of the racing train

Pure energy and speed

Gaining momentum and never turning back.

No time, no space to think.

Just to be

Speeding by.





In the air

I see the shimmer

Of life

The waves of energy

As they roll and wave off

Everything around.

The colors and the sparkles

Dance around us

As we walk through life.

They rub off on the ones

We meet.

Leaving energy prints

Like footprints in the sand.

An indent of our being.

I see and watch in wonder

And in awe

Of life force that surrounds

I am humbled to see how wondrous

It all can really be.

Daily Beginnings


Daily Beginnings


Every day we get a new beginning

A chance to start anew.

To change

The fact that

We are strangers to ourselves,

We are people we don’t know.

Lost among the stars

Searching for one to light the way home.

We scramble reaching

For a love we thought we knew

Only to find it replaced.


Every morning

The sun rises

And we wake

To dream another day.

To reacquaint ourselves

With who we could be.

Discover all we are

And all the potential that we hold.


Fear Waterfall


Fear Waterfall


Every fear

A waterfall

Washing down over me,

Crushing me beneath

The weight

As I struggle for air

Struggle to breathe

And stay afloat.

Tossed and thrown about

As each fear,

Each wave’s icy fingers

Grab hold

Trying to pull me down.

As I sink beneath the surface

The sky becomes blurry

Distorted by the water

And I fall further.

The dark, coolness

Of the depths

Terrifies as I continue.

Then I realize

It’s calm beneath the surface.

All the heavy, weighty fear

That thrust me around


Deep below.

Deep within the waves of fear

Resides a calm,

A silence,

A beauty

Like no other.

In the acceptance, the letting go into

The water, the fear

I found the peace I had been searching






In a world of responsibility

Where should’s and must’s

Seem to endlessly rule,

A world where jobs and appointments

Have come to define us,

We seek

Moments of respite

Of pure

Unadulterated fun.

Running with the wind

To see how far we go

Dancing along the way.

We delve, swan dive

Head first into the color

To break free from our routine

The yellow, orange, greens and pinks

Flying through the air

Landing on us

We become transformed.

Our crisp cleanness

Turned to abstract art.

We roll in the colors

To make sure

Every inch is coated.

Sweat runs mixing colors together

It’s art that changes.

In the dirty mess of color

We sink deep into the joy

Forgetting tomorrow and yesterday

Living only for the highlighted visual spectacle

We have become.

Bucket List


Bucket List


If tomorrow was the day

That my life on this earth ended

Would I be content

To walk away?

If I knew my days were numbered

How would I spend those

Fated days?

What would fill my bucket list?


I’d want to climb atop

Many mountains

Just to sit and stare

To soak in mountain air.

I’d wake before the sun rose

Just to watch it creep

Over the horizon

And stay awake until

It fell back below the horizon again.

I’d visit with the elders

To listen to their stories

Soaking up the knowledge,

The wisdom they had to share.

I’d spend time connecting with

The people of the earth,

All across the planet.

I’d walk barefoot through the rivers

Hand in hand with local children

Playing games and running with abandon.

I’d spend hours laying in the grasses

Watching clouds roll by.

Writing all the stories locked within my soul.

I’d dance among the trees

And down all the streets

Moving with the music every waking moment.

I’d delve in deep conversations

About the soul and its role,

About the universe and God and

All that spirit nudges me to speak of.

I’d laugh a million times a day

Just to feel the tightening

In my stomach as I lean forward

Unable to control the laughter.

I’d volunteer my time

To help any that I could,

Building, listening, being.

I’d meditate in the mornings,

Practice yoga in the afternoon

I’d teach and pass along my inspiration and passion

To any who wanted to listen.

I’d paint and take a million pictures

Just to capture the beauty

I felt within my heart.

I’d look into the eyes

Of those I passed

And silently let them know

That I saw them, that they matter.

I’d love without reservation

All the people of the world.

I’d spend my days connecting

To as many people as I could

To as much natural beauty as I could.

My days would be in one word

About connection.

And in a few more words

About love,

Passion, joy and

Balance and Harmony


Balance or Harmony


I’m always trying to find balance

But I’ve always thought

That it was something I could


Something I could hold on to.

A place in the middle

Where I could be content.

Neither extremely happy

Or extremely sad.

Just existing in a state of contentment.

Maybe balance isn’t something

To be found,

Not to be attained

Rather a way of living.

Not to find balance

But to always be balancing,

Something to do rather than be.

Keep the pendulum swinging,

Active and alive

Rather than motionless and dead.

Maybe balance is a place we briefly

Pass through as we experience life.

Maybe harmony is what we seek.

Harmony between the

Opposite states of being.

Where is there balance

Between body and spirit,

Can it be found?

I’m not sure

I’m always tipped a little more

In one direction at any given time.

I haven’t yet found a way to be

Equally present in body and spirit at the same

Time, reaching a place of balance,

I’m always swaying in between.

But harmony,

There can be harmony between

Body and spirit.

So opposite and yet beautiful

In my existence as both a spirit and

A physical body.

That beauty lies

In the fact that I am dichotomous.

Dance To Remember


Dance To Remember


To dance is to be free

To move and sway

In rhythm with the music

To feel my heartbeat

Sync to the pounding drums

To watch my breath

As I sigh in time with the violin.

My body no longer mine

I watch as it sweeps across the floor.

Bending, leaping, twirling.

I am transported

Emotions flow out with every

The music takes control.

My mind gets

Lost in the beats

And once the mind is lost

I find who I really am,

The space

The flow

The joy,

I am love

Manifest in human form.

The movements, the dance

Help me to remember

All I really am.